How will we manage the MPA?
achievING our objectives

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This section describes the actions we will take to achieve the MPA’s objectives

This involves not only preventing or restricting damaging activities that threaten the MPA but also restoring, improving, researching and sharing Ascension’s amazing marine environment.
The MPA is going to be around forever and it will be a long journey to achieve everything we want. In the first five years covered by this plan, we have focused on the actions that will achieve the greatest positive change to the MPA within our resources (more detail of how we determined this is given in the MPA Showing our Workings document). This means there are no actions linked to substantial threats such as ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures because we simply don’t have the management tools to address them. It also means ambitious aspirations to develop Ascension as a global science hub will have to be achieved in stages and the futuristic submarine laboratory complex will have to wait until the next phase.

The designation of the MPA was underpinned by sound science and this evidence-based approach is carried forward into the management of the site. Where possible we have designed management actions based on existing data and experience of what will be effective. However, we know we don’t have all the answers from the start so targets, monitoring and refinement of our management will be essential. How we will do this is described in the Monitoring and Evaluation section.
The actions are arranged so that they can be filtered to show those that contribute to achieving different strategic or operational objectives, the ones that counter specific threats to the MPA and those actions that help protect particular species and habitats. Alternatively, you can choose to see them all and realise how busy we will be for the next five years.
Action table
Filter by:
Clear allThreat type
- IUU fishing in the MPA
- Poorly-managed recreational fishing
- Poorly-managed sports fishing
- Marine litter
- Land-based sources of pollution
- Spill incident
- Noise pollution
- Land-based sources of pollution
- Disturbance from tourism
- Development
- Commercial fishing outside the MPA
- Existing non-native species
- New non-native species
- Low public support for the MPA and marine conservation
- Sea level rise
- Mineral extraction
Strategic objective
- 1. To conserve Ascension Island’s marine biodiversity, habitats and ecological functions for long-term ecosystem health
- 2. To support the sustainable development of social and economic activities in the MPA that are compatible with protection of the marine environment
- 3. To promote scientific research and share knowledge about Ascension Island’s marine biodiversity in order to encourage support for marine conservation locally and internationally
- 4. Supporting Objective: To achieve effective governance and management of the MPA that is transparent and underpinned by sustainable financial and human resources
Operational objective
- 1a. No loss of species and no reduction in species abundance or ecosystem complexity in offshore areas
- 1b. Proxy objective: Surveillance, compliance and enforcement regime effectively detects all known threats to offshore ecosystems
- 1c. No loss of species and no reduction of species abundance or ecosystem complexity in inshore areas
- 1d Proxy objective: Monitoring, regulation and management regime effectively tackles all known threats to inshore ecosystems
- 1e. Maintain the size distribution and age at maturity of species in inshore areas
- 1f. No loss of genetically distinct sub-populations from inshore or offshore areas
- 1g. No reduction in the extent or condition of key habitats
- 2a. People living on Ascension have access to recreational and fishing opportunities in the MPA that are equitably shared and enjoyed by the community
- 2b. Fishing pressure in inshore areas is adaptively managed by local stakeholders to prevent it contributing to the decline of any stock
- 2c. Ecological relationships between harvested, dependent and related species are maintained in inshore areas
- 2d. Ascension is recognised as a world leader in the responsible management of sports fishing and ecotourism; these activities have no negative impact on the behaviour or population size of protected species
- 2e. A significant proportion of revenue from sports fishing, ecotourism and other economic activities in the MPA is retained on the island
- 2f. Future developments are assessed and designed to be compatible with the conservation objectives of the MPA
- 3a. The Ascension Island MPA becomes a world-renowned site for the scientific study of marine ecosystems
- 3b. Ascension becomes an active and influential member of international networks of MPA managers, and initiates and participates in collaborative projects
- 3c. Every person on Ascension is aware of the MPA and its purpose
- 3d. The Ascension MPA and the conservation and scientific work being undertaken reaches a global audience leading to increased political and financial support
- 4a. The Legal and operational framework for the MPA (primary and secondary legislation, regulations, management plan) is fit-for-purpose and enforcement action is effective
- 4b. Management actions are designed to deliver the MPA objectives, based on the best available information and subject to regular monitoring and review
- 4c. The Ascension Island community is effectively engaged in MPA governance structures and the benefits and impacts of management decisions are equitably shared
- 4d. Human and financial resources are secured to deliver effective management
- Green turtle
- Blue shark
- Land crab
- Corals
- Coralline algae
- Bryozoans
- Sponges
- Bigeye tuna
- Yellowfin tuna
- Atlantic blue marlin
- Wahoo
- Ascension frigatebird
- Sooty tern
- Galapagos shark
- Silky shark
- Humpback whale
- Rock hind grouper
- Moray eel
- Spiny lobster
- Glasseye snapper
- Common octopus
- Rainbow runner
- Masked booby
- Black triggerfish
- Endemic inshore fish species
- Ascension goby
- Rock oyster
- Rustic rock snail
- White-striped cleaner shrimp
- Shrimps of the anchialine pools
- Ascension lightfoot crab
- Black longspined and rock boring urchin
- Bearded fireworm
- Bluntnose sixgill shark
- Lophelia coral
- Flying fish
- Plankton
- Vestimentiferan tubeworm
- Rimicaris shrimp
- Bathymodiolus mussels
- Grenadiers
- Epipelagic ocean
- Coastal
- Sandy beaches
- Rocky reefs
- Sandy substrates
- Rhodolith beds
- Mesopelagic ocean
- Bathypelagic ocean
- Pelagic waters around semounts
- Hydrothermal vents
- Coastal plateaus
- Intertidal pools
- Anchialine pools
- Benthic habitats on seamounts
- Lower slopes of Ascension Island and seamounts
- Flat abyssal plains